Monday, July 29, 2013

Dog days of summer

The period from 12 to 16 weeks is a lot of fun for your family and your puppy. This month is also a challenge as your joyful toddler becomes more active. Overenthusiastic about everything, he acts first and things later.
                                              ~Your Labrador Retriever Puppy Month by Month

The phrase "dog days of summer" usually means a low-key, subdued approach to each summer day. The summer heat weighs people down, slowing their walk and their talk. It evokes images of sitting on the front porch sipping ice tea. 

And then there's Gus. 

Overnight, we've gone from a "play hard, sleep hard" puppy, to a "play hard, then play even harder" puppy. Even Gracie is struggling to keep up. We've taken to tag-teaming him - Gracie plays with him until she is worn out, then I take over while she rests. I marvel that I survived this phase when it was just Gracie and me!

It is this stage that reminds me the importance of crate training and I'm thankful that Gus is getting use to his crate. It is working well to have it in the garage next to Gracie's kennel. I still hear the occasional yip, but I think he is now finding it a place of rest. 

And that is a good thing. 

P.S. Photos are getting harder to take. By the time I have the camera ready, Gus has moved on to other things. Things I usually need to pry from his mouth.

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